Your Child’s First Dental Visit: What You Should Know
Infant dentistry, more commonly known as pediatric dentistry, helps fortify your young child’s teeth for the future. During a pediatric dentistry visit, your dentist intervenes early in your newborn’s oral health development. If you’re a parent, consider seeking out a pediatric dentist for your children 6 months after teeth start to appear. Getting your baby’s first dental visit as early as possible will help set them up for their oral health future.
Benefits of a pediatric dentist
Finding a dentist for your child might feel like a steep task. However, it’s important that you take the time to provide your child with the dental help they need from a young age. One main benefit of getting babies to the dentist early is that you will have dental records from their entire life.
Another benefit to pediatric dentistry is the fact that it helps to dispel dental anxiety. If your child develops a comfort at the dentist from a young age, it will make subsequent visits and cleaning much easier.
When looking for an infant dentist, make sure you find a dental practice that keeps your child calm and comfortable. From the beginning of your child’s dental visit to the end, they should feel comfortable and heard. Luckily, many infant dentists specialize in dealing with babies as patients, and will be able to calm any nervous behaviors your infant may exhibit. Another benefit to seeking out an infant dentist is that you will be able to mitigate common dental problems that might otherwise arise in early adulthood, such as issues from thumb sucking or teeth grinding.
When should my baby go to the dentist for the first time?
Some dentists will recommend you bring your baby in for their first visit six months after the first tooth shows up.
This may vary depending on your child’s development, but typically you can consider bringing your baby to the dentist around their first birthday. Your infant dentist may be able to assist with teething pains, and can provide tips to alleviate any pain your baby may be feeling. If you are unsure when to bring your baby in to the dentist, consult a dental professional; they will give you a better idea of your baby’s dental health timeline.
Infant dentistry can be a very educational time in a parent’s life. The sooner you can bring your child to the dentist, the sooner you can get to the bottom of any root issues — like thumb sucking or gum issues — that might be affecting your child.
We all know that babies like to explore new objects in a tactile environment, and one of the ways they like to explore is by sticking a new toy directly into their mouth. Unfortunately, this tendency can be dangerous. Pediatric dentists can provide insight into how to handle the situation.
The importance of infant dentistry
Every parent’s first instinct is to do what is best for their child. It is essential to note that there is more to dentistry than just teeth health. Dentists focus on the overall oral health of their patients, and getting your baby into a dentist’s office early may pay off for them down the road.
Particularly if your child is teething, a pediatric dentist can provide direction on how to proceed, and minimize your child’s discomfort.
Questions and concerns for your infant dentist
Not sure what to talk to your child’s dentist about? Here are some things for parents to bring to the attention of their baby’s dentist:
- Ask if there is enough space in their mouth;
- Find out if x-rays are being done;
- Ask about the importance of baby teeth;
- Bring any excessive thumb sucking to the dentist’s attention;
- Discuss overall gum health.
If you know it’s time to search for a quality pediatric dentist, Summer Dental is ready to serve as the solution. Ask what Summer Dental can do for your child today! We are here to answer any and all questions that may be on your mind. We would love to be your baby’s first dental visit. Call us at (702) 852-2829 or schedule your child’s dentist appointment today!